Callington Community Day

March 10th 2020

Are you looking for something to fill your spare time?  Are you bored of sitting at home, want to try something new?  Do you want to get involved in a Community activity?

then come along to Community Day on Saturday 14th March in the Town Hall 9.00am to 12 noon.

Come and see for yourself the huge variety of clubs, groups and organisations that Callington has to offer, from national organisations like the Lions Club, U3A and Rotary Clubs to smaller clubs like Callington Camera Club, Callington Community Arts and Callington Heritage Centre and many, many more!  Meet their representatives and find out more.

You will also be able to meet the Mayor and other Councillors to have a chat or raise a concern or issue that you may have within the Town.

Everyone is welcome and we look forward to seeing you.

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