Members of the community are most welcome to attend meetings of the Town Council and any of its committees. The agenda for every meeting is published in advance - on our website and on the notice board.
The agenda provides details of the date, start time and venue for the meeting and the business to be discussed. There may be times when the press and public have to be excluded from part of a meeting (usually towards the end of the business on the agenda) when confidential business needs to be considered but the majority of all meetings are held in 'open session'.
At the start of Full Council meetings, time is set aside for members of the community to raise matters of concern or interest or ask the Council questions. It is usual that the Council will consider and answer each matter there and then but it might be necessary for an answer to be deferred if the matter has to be researched first.
If you are in any doubt or wish to have more information about coming to meetings and/or asking a question, please don't hesitate to contact the Clerk who will be pleased to help.
All meeting minutes are in draft form until they have been approved by the relevant committee at their next subsequent meeting.
All council meeting information including minutes and agendas.
Minutes & agendas for all Council Planning Committee meetings
Minutes & agendas from meetings associated with civic events such as Portreeve Choosing meetings.
All Finance & General Purposes meeting minutes and agendas.
Minutes & agendas for all Environment Committee meetings
All meeting minutes & agendas for the Outside Services committee meetings.
All Town Hall & Premises committee meeting minutes and agendas.