Do your current circumstances mean that you simply do not have enough to meet your essential needs each week or month? What if… sitting down with a trained adviser could help improve things? If you are struggling to make ends meet whether on benefits, in a job or even retired, spending a little time with our “WHAT IF ADVISER” could be time well spent.
WHAT IF? SERVICE Provides trained face to face information, support and guidance looking at your
individual situation and circumstances to see if you or family are entitled to some of the estimated £15billion of unclaimed benefits and related support available. * This includes an estimated £2.4billion of unclaimed pension credit for those in retirement.**
*source: Entitledto annual report February 2022 **source: AGE UK statement July 2022
The service is FREE and CONFIDENTIAL and is available Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at the new Warm and Toasty in the Mustard Seed downstairs hall (next to Foodbank ) Times may vary please contact us for details.
Please don’t assume that you are already getting everything you could be entitled to, you may well be and there are no guarantees… but…. you could be one of the estimated 7.3 million people who are currently not receiving all that they should.
Come and have a cuppa and a friendly chat and let us help you find out.
For more information call us on 07584 780678 or 01579 550374 or Email:
Callington Foodbank is an independent local charity under the umbrella of the Trussell Trust, a Christian charity with over 1,200 foodbanks throughout the UK. Registered Charity Number 1192119 Registered in England & Wales