Full Council

Open to all Councillors – the Full Council meeting is chaired by the Portreeve and Town Mayor. The main work of the Full Council is to receive the minutes from the various committees, reports from outside bodies, reports from Cornwall Councillors, and a public session where residents can ask questions of the Council on local matters. The committee will also make decisions on any recommendations from the other committees.

Finance And General Purposes

All Councillors are on this committee – this committee deals with all financial and other matters that affect the Council that are not dealt with by any of the other committees. This includes major Council expenditure on issues such as CCTV. The Committee also decides on any donations to charitable organisations.

Town Hall And Premises

All Councillors are on this committee – this committee deals with the running of the Town Hall complex and Pannier Market including rental and maintenance of these buildings.

Outside Services

All Councillors are on this committee – this committee deals with parks and open spaces, the Cemetery, the Council owned allotments, footpaths, wayside seats etc.


All Councillors, except Cllr Stentiford,  are on this committee – this committee looks at all planning applications that are lodged with Cornwall Council from the Parish. They look at the details of each application and make recommendations to the Planning Officer.