About Our Allotments

There are two allotment sites within Callington. The Haye Road site is owned by the Town Council, the Launceston Road site is owned by the Trust for ‘The Labouring Poor of Callington’. Both sites are administered by Callington Town Council.

An application form can be found at the link below:

Allotment Application Form

Launceston Road / South Hill Road Site

Rules and Regulations of this allotment site can be found by clicking on the link below:


Located on the junction of Launceston Road and South Hill Road (behind the Fire Station.) It consists of over 60 plots.

The Launceston Road site is owned by the Trust for ‘The Labouring Poor of Callington’. Existing tenants may apply for a second plot but priority is always given to those without plots.

Haye Road Site

Rules and Regulations of this allotment site can be found by clicking on the link below

Haye Road Regs 2024

Located on Haye Road (entrance is on the right just past the Health Centre). It consists of over 60 plots

Both sites are usually fully subscribed. Should you wish to go on the waiting list for either site please contact the Town Council.

A strictly first come first served policy is enforced.

On either site, priority is always given to residents of Callington and Kelly Bray. As it is very unlikely that residents of other Parishes will be granted tenancy it is strongly recommended that you apply through your own Parish or Town Clerk.