Mining Update – January 2022

January 21st 2022

January 21st 2022 CRL News Update

 As a result of the significant high-grade tin found in four pit samples which were announced in the November Cornwall Resources (CRL) News Update, it is planned to drill 4 exploration drill holes in a field near Target Tip Valley to test this further. As with the two previous drilling campaigns  CRL has started preparing a General Permitted Development Order (GPDO) document to be submitted to Cornwall Council Mineral Planning Dept. and it is hoped that the drilling can commence in spring 2022. Key points are;

  • Only one drill rig will be used and the drilling  should be completed in about 4 months.
  • Only one land owner is affected.
  • Drilling will be 12 hour days, 13 days every fortnight, similar to previous drilling campaigns.
  • The closest property is over 140 metres from the nearest hole. Previously several holes were drilled 50 to 60 metres from properties.
  • Noise, ecological and archaeological surveys are being carried out on the land and will be part of the GPDO application.
  • There were no complaints during the last 2 drilling campaigns, and as these holes are a long way from the nearest properties then the impact on local people should be minimal.
  • Jeff Harrison is to visit the 6 closest properties during February to reassure property owners, see if they have any questions, and be a point of contact during the drilling activities.
  • Once the final locations of the exploration boreholes has been confirmed the location map to be used in the GPDO will be included in the February News Update.
  • As the program consists of only 4 holes in a single field, distant from properties, and Covid concerns remain,  no public meeting is currently planned prior to drilling commencing. However, if anyone wishes to find out more then they should contact Jeff Harrison who can arrange to meet any concerned property owners.
  • As stated in the November 2021 News Update, the Deep Digital Cornwall work has progressed well and the test work is now coming to an end. Once all the results have been received and interpreted then a public meeting can be held to explain what has been discovered. Subject to Covid rules it is hoped this will be around April/May and information on the exploration drilling programme can be shown at the same time.

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