Town Councillor Vacancy

December 13th 2022

With reference to the public notice published on 31st October 2022, in respect of a casual vacancies on this Town Council, Cornwall Council has confirmed that no requests were received asking that an election be held.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant of Rule 8 of the Local Elections (Parishes and Communities) Rule 1986, Callington Town Council has a vacancy arising by way of co-option.

1. Written applications to fill the vacancies should be submitted to the Town Clerk at the address below by noon on Friday 13th January 2023 giving a short statement on why you want to become a Councillor together with a précis of your background and skills that you can offer the Council.

2. Candidates will be requested to attend a meeting of the Full Council on Tuesday 24th January 2023 from 6pm in the Council Chambers, Town Hall to meet with members and discuss the application.

3. If more applications are received than vacancies to be filled, the Town Council will decide which of the applications is to fill the vacancies.

Mrs Jo Taylor
Town Clerk
Callington Town Council
New Road
PL17 7BD

Qualification Categories

Regarding the arrangements for the filling of any vacancy where co-option applies, Town Council may co-opt as a member any person who is legally qualified to hold such office, and who is willing to serve, provided he or she
satisfies at least one of the following qualification categories:-

(a) is registered as a local government elector for the parish;

(b) has during the whole of the preceding twelve months occupied as owner or tenant, any land or premises in the parish;

(c) his/her principal or only place of work during the preceding twelve months has been in the parish;

(d) had during the whole of the preceding twelve months resided in the parish or within 4.8 km thereof.

Further information

Cornwall Council – Be a Councillor

It takes All Sorts (NALC)

Contact the Town Clerk, Mrs Jo Taylor on 01579 384039 or email who would be happy to discuss this further and/or arrange a meeting with existing Councillors who can tell you more about their role.

Come along to a meeting and see what goes on. Agendas with supporting documents are posted on the Callington Town Council website at least 3 days before the meeting.

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