Citizen of the Year 2024

January 30th 2024

This year the Town Council will be promoting their Citizen of the Year Award to be awarded to someone whom it is felt deserves recognition by the Town for the work they do within the community. This could be any kind of volunteering work – being a member of a group and giving their time up to help others; someone who lives next door and gives assistance to neighbours; someone working for the benefit of the community; anything that you feel the person should have recognition for.  Nominations can be from any organisation/ group or an individual.

Nominations need to include the name, address of nominee; the reason why they have been nominated; information of what they are involved in; if they are over 18 and also your contact details. The only criteria is that the person lives within the parish of Callington/Kelly Bray.

The closing date for nominations is noon on

FRIDAY 23rd February 2024

This can be sent to alternatively come into the Town Hall, Callington. PL17 7BD

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