During the state of emergency attaching to the Coronavirus outbreak

During the state of emergency attaching to the Coronavirus outbreak, and in the event it is not possible or safe to hold Meetings, the Town Clerk in consultation with the Mayor/ Deputy Mayor and relevant Committee Chair be authorised to:

  • Take such action as necessary to discharge the obligations of the Council make decisions, vary decisions, take proceedings or otherwise discharge the duties and powers of the Council which, for the avoidance of doubt, may include all decisions as could normally be made by the Council, other than those specifically reserved by law solely to the Council when Meeting in full assembly.
  • To take any actions necessary with associated expenditure to protect the interests of the community and ensure council business continuity during the period of the pandemic Coronavirus, informed by consultation with the members of the Council.

a) Should Government introduce temporary provisions enabling decisions to be made remotely by Committees:
i. The Finance & General Purposes Committee be designated to make such decisions as identified in para (A) (subject to urgent decisions continuing to be made by the Clerk as set out above) and authority be delegated to the Committee for the duration of the state of emergency accordingly;
ii. The Planning Committee be designated to consider and comment on planning applications under current delegated authority and, for the duration of the state of emergency, submit them to the Local Planning Authority without prior ratification by Full Council.

b) In the interests of transparency any decisions made under the foregoing delegated authorities (para’s (A)-(a) refer) shall be:
i. If of anon-confidential nature, posted on the Town Council website;
ii. If of a confidential nature, circulated to all Members of Council.

c) The Council establish a ‘Social Fund’ of (Principle & Amount To Be Agreed) funded from the 2020/21 Council Tax Support Grant head to which applications can be made by community groups and organisations to support initiatives whose primary purpose is to support the most vulnerable in the community affected by the health emergency.

d) Additionally, and without prejudice to the above, specifically with regard to:

All Premises & Town Market Operations

That the Town Clerk be authorised to vary any or all of the Rules and Regulations as they see fit including the power to alter, restrict, or determine any opening times of any town council premises and Town Market and any subsequent occupation requirements. This may include the temporary or permanent closure of the premises and Town Market and its activities.

i. Traders will be informed of any such action as soon as reasonably practicable.
ii. Any amendments to the Regulations will not be considered a breach of the Regulations and/or any other agreement between the trader and the Council and neither party shall be liable for delay in performing, or failure to perform, any of its obligations under that agreement if such delay or failure results from events, circumstances or causes beyond its reasonable control.

Pandemic / Epidemic

iii. In the event of a pandemic or epidemic health incident traders are required to take all steps as are reasonably necessary to reduce the risk of infection;
iv. In the event that a trader and or any of their employees or customers experience any adverse symptoms or has come into contact with anyone who has shown any adverse symptoms then they are required to notify, as soon as reasonably practicable, the Council and ensure they adhere to any advice subsisting at the time by the UK Government.

Town Hall Bookings/Events & Similar

Council endorse the approach as set out above as regarding Town Hall/Park Bookings and similar, and further authorise relevant officers as/if necessary to cancel or otherwise rearrange events where the organisation is unable to safely deliver same;


Council agree the website/social media being kept updated.