CRL has started preparing a General Permitted Development Order (GPDO) document for exploration drilling to be formerly submitted to Cornwall Council’s Mineral Planning Dept in March, for approval in April. It is hoped that the drilling can commence in Spring 2022. Key points are;
- Noise, ecological and archaeological surveys have been successfully carried out on the land surrounding the drill site and these reports will be part of the GPDO application.
- As a result of the Ecological Impact Assessment a badger trap camera survey, which lasts a month, has commenced. If badgers are found in the field hedges the drill holes may need to be moved a further 10 metres from them.
- Jeff Harrison has visited the 7 closest properties to reassure property owners, answer any questions, and be a point of contact during the drilling activities. A letter with Jeff Harrison’s contact details and a map of the drilling area was left at those properties where no one was at home.
- The location map of the drilling locations to be used in the GPDO is included in this February News Update. All 4 holes are drilled in South Hill Parish Council. The 2 black triangles show the location sites of the drill pads. Two holes are drilled at each pad.
- Should anyone wish to find out more information, they can contact Jeff Harrison, who will arrange to contact, update and meet any local residents.
- As stated in the November 2021 News Update, the Deep Digital Cornwall (DDC) work has progressed well and the gravimetric data collection has been completed. Further soil testing is planned.
- DDC soil sample test results are starting to return from ALS Laboratory in Ireland and the gravimetric test results are being modelled.
- Once all the results have been received and interpreted then a public meeting will be held to explain what has been discovered, any details on follow-up work, and how the data can be accessed. Subject to Covid rules it is hoped this will be around April/May and information on the exploration drilling programme can be shown at the same time.
Jeffrey M Harrison
Non-Executive Director: Strategic Minerals plc