An overview of a councillor's and a clerk's role, their duties & responsibilities - and how to become a local councillor.
Find out more about the councillors that represent Callington Town council, their contact details and responsibilities.
Find out more about the dedicated staff supporting the work of the Town Council and their respective roles.
The council has a range of policies that cover complaint handling, applicable financial regulations and how they respond to freedom of information requests.
The Council is obliged to list various documents and reports associated with their finances - such as audits and budget information.
The Council publishes all valid applications for viewing by Members of the Public. You can view the plans, accompanying documents and consultation responses.
An overview of each of the Council Committees including details of membership and areas of focus.
An overview of the history, role and use of the term "Portreeve" and its unique application within Callington Council.
The Town Crier is a role, tradition and part of Callington's heritage that is maintained to this day.
Callington & District Twinning Association works on behalf of the Council to promote links between its two twin towns of Guipavas in France and Barsbüttel in Germany.
From time to time the Council may advertise vacancies for staff, specific services or Councillors.
Information about planning process & vision on how Callington and Kelly Bray could change for the better in the future.