July 2024
Callington and Kelly Bray Neighbourhood Plan
Redmoor Minerals Limited and Cornwall Resources Limited – Response Regarding Mineral Rights
During the course of the Regulation 14 consultation on the Draft Callington and Kelly Bray Neighbourhood Plan some issues were raised regarding mineral rights and the potential for these to impact on the ability to develop some of the proposed allocation sites. Following this the Town Council have liaised directly with Cornwall Council and Redmoor Minerals Limited and Cornwall Resources Limited regarding mineral rights. The letter below has been provided by Redmoor Minerals Limited and Cornwall Resources Limited in response to the issues that have been raised.
240301 Callington and Kelly Bray Development Plan - CRL Letter
Mineral Exploration Areas - A3
October 2023
Pre-Submission Consultation (Regulation 14) on the Draft Callington and Kelly Bray Neighbourhood Plan
Following on from the adoption of the Vision for Callington and Kelly Bray in February 2020, the Town Council, Steering Group and consultant team have been working to develop the Neighbourhood Plan. The Draft Plan is now ready for pre-submission consultation. This is also known at the Regulation 14 consultation.
We would like to hear what people think about the document. After considering the comments received and making any necessary modifications, the Neighbourhood Plan will be finalised and submitted to Cornwall Council for Independent Examination. If the Examiner finds the Plan to be satisfactory, then Cornwall Council will arrange for a referendum to take place. This will allow local people to decide whether the Neighbourhood Plan should be used to help decide planning applications in the area in the future.
Jo Taylor, Clerk to the Town Council said “The Neighbourhood Plan provides an opportunity for local people to have a say in how the area is going to shaped in the future. After a lot of hard work, the project is very close to being completed. We now need your views on the Draft Plan and to know whether you would like to see any changes made before it is submitted for independent examination”.
The consultation runs from Monday 2nd October 2023 to Monday 13th November 2023. The Draft Plan and consultation documents can viewed below or at the Town Hall. There will also be a display in the Town Hall for the duration of the consultation.
Comment forms will be available to fill in at the Town Hall or can be accessed vias the link below. Forms need to be completed and returned by Monday 13th November 2023 to:
Callington Town Council, The Town Hall, New Road, Callington, Cornwall' PL17 7BD
Or by email to clerk@callington-tc.gov.uk
The Draft Callington and Kelly Bray Neighbourhood Plan can be viewed here:
Callington and Kelly Bray Neighbourhood Plan Pre-Submission Consultation Draft (Regulation 14)
The consultation panels that are on display in the Town Hall can be viewed here:
Pre-submission (Regulation 14) Consultation Panels
The comment form can be downloaded here:
Comment Form (editable pdf version)
The evidence that has been prepared in support of the Neighbourhood Plan is provided in the appendices to the Vision document below.
The following documents have also been prepared:
Callington and Kelly Bray Design Guide (May 2023)
Callington and Kelly Bray Neighbourhood Plan Site Assessment (February 2023)
April 2023
Cornwall Council SEA and HRA Screening Decision
Cornwall Council confirmed in writing that the Callington and Kelly Bray Neighbourhood Development Plan is unlikely to have significant effects on the environment or on European Sites and that Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) or Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) is therefore not required.
The Council’s letter can be viewed there:
Cornwall Council Screening Decision (April 2023)
October 2021
Draft Neighbourhood Development Plan
The Callington and Kelly Bray Neighbourhood Development Plan will guide and influence future development in the area to 2030. Its preparation has been led by members of the community and prepared following the adoption of the Vision. The current version of the Draft Plan can be viewed here:
171111 Neighbourhood Plan Document
The Draft Plan was approved for submission to Cornwall Council by the Town Council on 22nd June 2021 for officer feedback and Strategic Environmental Assessment and Habitats Regulation Assessment Screening Opinion. The request for a Screening Opinion was submitted on 7th October 2021.
Once that feedback has been received (and any further changes to the document made) the Plan will be submitted to Cornwall Council and subject to public consultation. Following this it will be submitted for Independent Examination. Before the Plan can be formally adopted it will be subject to a referendum.
This Plan builds on the Vision, along with national and Cornwall planning policies, to give an extra level of detail at the local level. It has been developed to ensure that future growth and development
throughout the Parish is guided by the priorities and aspirations of the local community. Once finalised, and agreed by the community through a referendum, the Plan will form part of the statutory planning policy framework for the area. The policies will have equal standing with those in the Local Plan and will be given full consideration by decision makers.
The Plan’s policies will apply to the whole parish of Callington. This is known as the Neighbourhood Area and was designated on 7th March 2016, following a formal process, including community consultation.
February 2020
Vision for Callington and Kelly Bray
The Town Council adopted ‘A Vision for Callington and Kelly Bray’ on 25th February 2020. The Vision has been prepared to set out how Callington and Kelly Bray could change for the better in the future. The result is a strategy and series of project ideas that point to how things could be improved. These are set out in this document. The Vision is the first stage in preparing the ground for a Neighbourhood Plan for Callington and Kelly Bray.
171111 A Vision for Callington and Kelly Bray
Callington Town Council and the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group have worked closely with interested stakeholders and the local community between 2017 and early 2020, to find out what people think about the local area. This has resulted in the generation of many ideas that have helped to shape the Vision. The ideas provide a framework that is intended to guide and give focus to future change. The Vision does not provide a blueprint that will be followed to the letter but rather a series of proposals that if implemented will contribute towards stimulating positive change. By identifying where and how improvements can be made, Callington and Kelly Bray should be in a much better position to bid for funding and influence where scarce resources are targeted.
The Vision has been shaped by the people of the town – consultation has included: a town wide questionnaire; public exhibitions; many individual stakeholder meetings – representing different interest groups; Steering Group focus groups; a call for housing and employment sites; Steering Group housing sub-group sessions; Steering Group transport sub-group sessions; and a business questionnaire. Ideas vary in scale - but all are geared towards making a better and more beautiful place and addressing the climate emergency. The main objectives for local people are to create: a healthy and sustainable place to live; local job opportunities; a beautiful town centre; a stronger community; quality homes for everyone; and green transport.
Projects to address these objectives include for example: reducing the impacts of through traffic and HGVs in the town, and planting more trees; identifying sites to support existing and new businesses; enhancing Fore Street as the main civic focus of the town; supporting improved healthcare and education facilities and providing a new village hall for Kelly Bray; identifying sites for new homes and guidelines for how they can be designed so that they are attractive, locally distinctive and sustainable; and improving life for pedestrians (safe routes to school and safer and improved crossing points over the main road) and cyclists (new lanes) as they travel through the area.
The Vision also contains recommendations for the Callington and Kelly Bray Neighbourhood Plan. The Plan, when adopted, will provide a legal framework for managing development – supporting National Planning policies and the Cornwall Local Plan.
The Vision Appendices can be accessed below. These include the evidence that has been prepared in support of the Vision and Neighbourhood Plan.
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Summary of town wide survey - Extract of feedback
July 2015 Resident Survey Analysis
Appendix 3 - Steering group workshops
171111 Callington NP_Project Start Up
171111 Callington NP_Workshop Presentation
171111 Update Presentation HR
Callington Neighbourhood Plan - Steering Group Workshop
Appendix 4 - Public consultation 2018
171111 Consultation Notes LR
171111 Primary School Consultation Worksheet
171111 R 01 C Consultation Panels Digital
171111 R 03 Comment Form_Digital Form
171111 R 05 Poster
Consultation Panels C - Stickers
July 2017 Consultation Response Summary
Presentation Panels
Consultation Photographs > IMG_6582
Consultation Photographs > IMG_6584
Appendix 5 - Housing sub group
171111 C Presentation Workshop 1
171111 D Presentation Workshop 2
171111 Presentation Workshop 3
171111 R 02 Call for Sites
Prefered Option - IMG_5613
Workshop Photographs > IMG_5214
Workshop Photographs > IMG_5216
Workshop Photographs > IMG_5217
Workshop Photographs > IMG_5220
Workshop Photographs > IMG_5227
Workshop Photographs > IMG_5229
CFS Responses > CFS 1 - Updated plan
CFS Responses > CFS 1 (very faint first page - boxes 1 & 5 are ticked!)
CFS Responses > CFS 2
CFS Responses > CFS 3
CFS Responses > CFS 4
CFS Responses > CFS 5 a
CFS Responses > CFS 5 b
CFS Responses > CFS 6
CFS Responses > CFS 7
CFS Responses > CFS 8 a
CFS Responses > CFS 8 b
CFS Responses > CFS 9 a
CFS Responses > CFS 9 b
CFS Responses > CFS 10 a
CFS Responses > CFS 10 b
CFS Responses > CFS 11 a
CFS Responses > CFS 11 b
CFS Responses > CFS 12
Appendix 6 - Transport sub group
0872 - Callington NP - Initial Highway Review
Appendix 7 - Business questionnaire
171111 Business Survey_Digital Form
Appendix 8 - Public consultation 2019-20
171111 R 03 Consultation Panels
171111 R 04 Comment Form
Website Screenshot
Consultation Photographs > IMG_6084
Consultation Photographs > IMG_6085
Consultation Photographs > IMG_6089
Consultation Photographs > IMG_6090
Appendix 9 - List of stakeholders
Appendix 10 - Summary of consultation
Appendix 11 - Evidence base - bibliography (use existing webpage link/document)
Vision Statement
Vision for Callington and Kelly Bray
The Town Council adopted ‘A Vision for Callington and Kelly Bray’ on 25th February 2020. The Vision has been prepared to set out how Callington and Kelly Bray could change for the better in the future. The result is a strategy and series of project ideas that point to how things could be improved. These are set out in this document. The Vision is the first stage in preparing the ground for a Neighbourhood Plan for Callington and Kelly Bray.
171111 A Vision for Callington and Kelly Bray
Please note the final version of the Vision document including the various appendices will be uploaded here soon.
Callington Town Council and the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group have worked closely with interested stakeholders and the local community between 2017 and early 2020, to find out what people think about the local area. This has resulted in the generation of many ideas that have helped to shape the Vision. The ideas provide a framework that is intended to guide and give focus to future change. The Vision does not provide a blueprint that will be followed to the letter but rather a series of proposals that if implemented will contribute towards stimulating positive change. By identifying where and how improvements can be made, Callington and Kelly Bray should be in a much better position to bid for funding and influence where scarce resources are targeted.
The Vision has been shaped by the people of the town – consultation has included: a town wide questionnaire; public exhibitions; many individual stakeholder meetings – representing different interest groups; Steering Group focus groups; a call for housing and employment sites; Steering Group housing sub-group sessions; Steering Group transport sub-group sessions; and a business questionnaire. Ideas vary in scale - but all are geared towards making a better and more beautiful place and addressing the climate emergency. The main objectives for local people are to create: a healthy and sustainable place to live; local job opportunities; a beautiful town centre; a stronger community; quality homes for everyone; and green transport.
Projects to address these objectives include for example: reducing the impacts of through traffic and HGVs in the town, and planting more trees; identifying sites to support existing and new businesses; enhancing Fore Street as the main civic focus of the town; supporting improved healthcare and education facilities and providing a new village hall for Kelly Bray; identifying sites for new homes and guidelines for how they can be designed so that they are attractive, locally distinctive and sustainable; and improving life for pedestrians (safe routes to school and safer and improved crossing points over the main road) and cyclists (new lanes) as they travel through the area.
The Vision also contains recommendations for the Callington and Kelly Bray Neighbourhood Plan. The Plan, when adopted, will provide a legal framework for managing development – supporting National Planning policies and the Cornwall Local Plan.
The Vision Appendices can be accessed below. These include the evidence that has been prepared in support of the Vision and Neighbourhood Plan.
Appendix 1 - Project programme
Appendix 2 - Summary of town wide survey
Appendix 3 - Steering group workshops
Appendix 4 - Public consultation 2018
171111 Consultation Notes LR
171111 Primary School Consultation Worksheet
171111 R 01 C Consultation Panels Digital
171111 R 03 Comment Form_Digital Form
171111 R 05 Poster
Consultation Panels C - Stickers
July 2017 Consultation Response Summary
Presentation Panels
Consultation Photographs > IMG_6582
Consultation Photographs > IMG_6584
Appendix 5 - Housing sub group
171111 C Presentation Workshop 1
171111 D Presentation Workshop 2
171111 Presentation Workshop 3
171111 R 02 Call for Sites
Prefered Option - IMG_5613
Workshop Photographs > IMG_5214
Workshop Photographs > IMG_5216
Workshop Photographs > IMG_5217
Workshop Photographs > IMG_5220
Workshop Photographs > IMG_5227
Workshop Photographs > IMG_5229
CFS Responses > CFS 1 - Updated plan
CFS Responses > CFS 1 (very faint first page - boxes 1 & 5 are ticked!)
CFS Responses > CFS 2
CFS Responses > CFS 3
CFS Responses > CFS 4
CFS Responses > CFS 5 a
CFS Responses > CFS 5 b
CFS Responses > CFS 6
CFS Responses > CFS 7
CFS Responses > CFS 8 a
CFS Responses > CFS 8 b
CFS Responses > CFS 9 a
CFS Responses > CFS 9 b
CFS Responses > CFS 10 a
CFS Responses > CFS 10 b
CFS Responses > CFS 11 a
CFS Responses > CFS 11 b
CFS Responses > CFS 12
Appendix 6 - Transport sub group
Appendix 7 - Business questionnaire
Appendix 8 - Public consultation 2019-20
Appendix 9 - List of stakeholders
Appendix 10 - Summary of consultation
Appendix 11 - Evidense base - bibliography
Neighbourhood Plan
Neighbourhood Development Plan
The Callington and Kelly Bray Neighbourhood Development Plan will guide and influence future development in the area to 2030. It’s preparation has been led by members of the community and
prepared following the adoption of the Vision. The current version of the Draft Plan can be viewed here:
171111 Neighbourhood Plan Document
The Draft Plan was approved for submission to Cornwall Council for officer feedback by the Town Council on 22nd June 2021.
Once that feedback has been received (and any further changes to the document made) the Plan will be submitted to Cornwall Council and subject to public consultation. Following this it will be submitted for Independent Examination. Before the Plan can be formally adopted it will be subject to a referendum.
This Plan builds on the Vision, along with national and Cornwall planning policies, to give an extra level of detail at the local level. It has been developed to ensure that future growth and development
throughout the Parish is guided by the priorities and aspirations of the local community. Once finalised, and agreed by the community through a referendum, the Plan will form part of the statutory planning policy framework for the area. The policies will have equal standing with those in the Local Plan and will be given full consideration by decision makers.
The Plan’s policies will apply to the whole parish of Callington. This is known as the Neighbourhood Area and was designated on 7th March 2016, following a formal process, including community consultation
Neighbourhood Development Plan Update October 2023
October 2023 Pre-Submission Consultation (Regulation 14) on the Draft Callington and Kelly Bray Neighbourhood Plan THE CONSULTATION HAS NOW CLOSED. WE WILL NOW REVIEW ALL OF THE COMMENTS THAT HAVE BEEN RECEIVED. A FURTHER UPDATE WILL BE POSTED ON THIS WEBSITE...
October 2023 NDP Update
THE CONSULTATION HAS NOW CLOSED. WE WILL NOW REVIEW ALL OF THE COMMENTS THAT HAVE BEEN RECEIVED. A FURTHER UPDATE WILL BE POSTED ON THIS WEBSITE SOON. October 2023 Pre-Submission Consultation (Regulation 14) on the Draft Callington and Kelly Bray Neighbourhood Plan...